Alcohol has been known to mankind for more than a millennium, and it is this drink that is believed to lift spirits, instill self-esteem and confidence, and has ruined more than a million people in the entire history of its existence.
Every day, thousands of people drink alcohol for various reasons - birthdays, job promotions, various experiences, and even attempts to numb their heartache.
Whether it is possible to drink alcohol on a daily basis is an urgent question as it is widely believed that there is a safe dose of alcohol that can be consumed on a daily basis with no negative consequences. However, this is nothing more than a myth.
And it's not just about alcoholism, which develops from 3 months to 10 years with systematic consumption, but also about often irreversible changes in all organs and systems of the human body.
The harm of daily alcohol consumption
If a person drinks alcohol every day, after some time (for each individual) problems with the blood vessels can arise, as a result of which headaches, heart pain, high blood pressure, concentration and memory disorders become constant companions. All of this is due to the destructive effects of alcohol, which affects the entire cardiovascular system. Alcohol can form blood clots, which can cause strokes or heart attacks. The liver and pancreas also suffer from it. For example, acute pancreatitis occurs many times over in people who drink alcohol.
Particular attention should be paid to a drink such as beer, which many drink every day, naively believing that it does not threaten alcoholism. In fact, not all alcoholics started out with liquor. Most started with a frothy drink and gradually increased the amount and strength of the drink.

In addition, beer has a negative effect on the endocrine system and leads to an inhibition of testosterone production. This is due to phytoestrogens, which slowly but surely turn a man into a figure with a huge belly, feminine breasts, and potency problems.
In addition, beer has a bad effect on the kidneys, which leads to edema and decreased functionality, which threatens the development of kidney failure.
Enlargement of the heart is also a common problem for hop drinkers, sometimes requiring surgical treatment and a complete cessation of alcohol consumption.
So, if a loved one is found to be drinking alcohol every day, the best decision is to take him to a specialist who will help you understand how serious this hobby has become.